Tuesday 16 October 2018

Plan B - Ill Manors

            Plan B

Ill Manors

Ill Manors is a hip hop protest song by Benjamin Balance-Drew, known as Plan B.  This video includes raw footage from news reports and TV footage within the video – videos showing the famous 2011 London riots. These riots lasted from the 6th of August all the way to the 11th looting, arson and mass deployment of the police resulting in deaths. These riots began due to a police shooting of Mark Duggan which was what caused the initial triggering of riots in Tottenham – outskirts of London. Mark Duggan was a 29-year-old man who was shot due to supposedly planning an attack as well as he was holding a handgun additionally. BBC Reports saying many teenagers rioted because they “lack hope” and also “feel let down by society”

Plan B - ill Manors [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Point of View shot - Ill Manors
Within ill manors there are many different camera shots included in the one music video, one of which is sideways tracking. These are shots which follow Plan B along the side as he I talking.  Next, he also uses point of view angles; these are used as they show a woman filming a fight, these is effective within the video as it allows us as an audience to feel as if we are there in London ourselves watching what’s going in.Establishing shots are used in the scenes of the video, at the very beginning they do an establishing shot over London. Tis shot is very grey toned, overlooking from a high building, in the view you can see iconic London structures but they are blanked out y the greyness and fog/pollution of the city. This shows that even though they’re the same area and so close there is such a difference in many things such as society and upbringings. Close ups are used a lot, this is to consistently bring up the motif of intimidation, plan B is trying to explain stereotypes and how some fear due to this through lyrics such as “He’s got a hoodie on give him a hug. On second thoughts don’t you wanna get mugged” connotating people fear them linking to a closeup shot which are typically used as a way of frightening others. Lastly, another key shot repeated is the over the shoulder, this is used looking down at the riots below; giving a more personal connection as you are made to feel you are in the scenes providing greater attachment as a viewer.
Mise-en-scene is targeted a lot within this video, the setting of this is set in a car park, this setting influences the video heavily as the carpark isn’t clean, clear and fresh… it is mucky and dark therefore appearing to be within council apartments in the area of London.

Props such as flares are used, flares initially indicate danger. As soon as flares are seen people typically associate them with emergencies - flares are found most the time in emergency kits. This impacts the idea of Plan B's video as it shows we need to respond quick to the youth - to stop our stereotypes. Another interpretation of this would be that people fear youth following on the stereotypical slang word of 'chav' therefore associating them with crime and danger - hinting on rescuing. Additionally, their appearance through clothing and accessories is heavily concentrated on. Hoodies are constantly used, hoodies stereotypically conatate someone wants to be hidden/ undercover, this links to the previous lyrics about hoodies which have an underlining meaning about David Cameron's famous saying "hug a hoodie" - pitying the youth but at the same time softening the image of crime. Most teens within the video are also wearing gloves, this could be to suggest they want to hide nor don't want to be found...gloves typically link to covering up to stay warm or covering tracks. Tracksuits are also worn by majority of the members which similarly relate to the symbolism through gloves and hoods. Finally, their mouths are typically covered this could represent their voices are not heard in society this is shown through the lyrics of 'Who closed down the community centre? I killed time there, used to be a member. What will I do now until September?' This then showing society doesn't care for them and so is not willing to spend money there nor care what they want.

Plan B - Playing With Fire ft. Labrinth [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Video Footage from Playing B 'Playing With Fire'
Plan B uses the reoccurring motif of the andante 'chav', in his video he uses the meaning of; council house and violent. On Google the definition of chav is a 'young lower class person typified by bash and loutish behaviour'. In Plan B's videos he use alike lyrics targeting the violence, in this song 'Playing With Fire' he speaks about 'Little youth beating up his only friend...the gang doesn't care if he falls through the gaps. They're just happy that you fall for the trap'. Within his music is a frequent idea of violence shown in both these songs and many more. Likewise, ill manors speaks a whole by using the lyrics "were all drinkers drug takers" reflecting as a whole, everyone must and will take drugs and that anyone who does both is automatically titled as a 'chav'. This set of lyrics is very similar to one in Plan B's other Playing With Fire song as the first few lines of the first verse say 'today he tried to buy weed with his little mate'.

Editing is key amongst this video, ill manors is a very fast pace video. All shots only remain for a few seconds at a time each before changing to another scene, this creates a more tense atmosphere as it is as if you can't keep up with what going on in London. Furthermore, they have embedded raw footage from riots of London, this creates more realism of the video as we ca understand the clear link of the riots and Plan B's song. Lastly, all explosions fit with the non-diegetic sound track, each individual beats.

Plan B's Ted Talk included many key messages within this talk. He frequently speaks upon the topic of disadvantaged youth and highlights how society responds and hope he personally thinks they should respond.

Here is a screenshot of a emotional message he showed throughout his talk. This represents the disregard for youth and how they are left to feel worthless in the society and  the generations we live in to this day.

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