Monday 24 September 2018

Media Language - Use of a camera

Media Language is how the media communicates meanings through; form, codes, conventions and techniques.

Basic Camera Shots:

  • Establishing Shot/ Extreme Long Shot (ELS)
  • Long Shot
  • Mid Shot
  • Two Shot
  • Close Up
  • Point of View
  • Extreme Close Up

Basic Camera Movement:

  • Tracking (In/ Out)
  • Sideways Tracking (Crabbing)
  • Tilt (Up/Down)
  • Zoom
  • Arc
  • Crane
  • Panning (left to right/ right to left, staying in the same place)

Basic Camera Angle

  • Over the Shoulder
  • High Angle
  • Low Angle
Establishing Shot/ Extreme Long Shot

This is known as an establishing shot/ ELS as it is used to set the scene, it is used to introduce a setting so as an audience we have a greater understanding of the story. ELS can help create the atmosphere, such as an eerie setting will further influence the rest of the film to be presented this way.

Long Shot

A long shot is used to provide the audience with more detail about the person typically and their relationship and positioning within their settings. For example, it would help show where someone is within a building and help connect them further to a storyline.

Mid Shot

A mid shot are photographs/ videos taken from the waist upwards, it focuses on the subject and are used to closely reveal a little more detail of the surroundings. These help convey a characters emotions in further depth.

Two Shot

Two shots include simply two characters, they reflect the communication between the two individuals; they involve a subjects head to knees. These specific shots reflect the exchange and show their body language.

Close Up

Close ups are used a lot for zooming in and emphasising a characters emotions, the close up allow greater understanding of a subjects reaction to an event etc. These can be used to build tension due to the in-depth detail.

Point of View

Point of View are taken as if from the subjects eyes themselves, it reflects exactly what they can see. It is used to focus on a specific object, by doing so it might create more impact. This positioning is frequently used when a character might be preforming such action such as reading a letter, this example is regularly used in films.

Extreme Close Up

These pictures show the most detail, these will typically be used in dramatic scenes. This is due to there would be no other reason to get this close to show generalised emotions, unless for effect for things such as intensity. You as an audience feel you are I the mind of the character, the audience only focus on the subjects expressions no other background details.


A tracking view is either: track in (moving forwards) or track out (backwards). Both of this give added effect this is as a track in show further detail and expressions as you are becoming closer to the subject. Whereas, tracking out reveal more detail but in an opposing way as they go further back they reveal more of the scene.

Sideways Tracking

Sideways tracking is alike tracking, however, for this a "crab" movement is involved. The camera moves sideways following the moving subject rather than head on.


For this the focus on a stationary set up but move the camera, this creates mystery as you only see certain areas of the character at once; not all areas are shown at once meaning mystery is shown.


For this the camera is moved surrounding the subject, it is a curved action. The movement is similar to tracking as it is the camera following the subjects actions although this shot follows a certain structure.


This is style of capturing is featuring the use of a camera connected/ attached to a crane. These allow te audience to see the whole setting and view the action on a larger scale allowing vertical and horizontal movement; therefore they have a greater viewing and understanding of what is happening.


These are taken from a fixed position, turning to capture a wide viewing. This is typically used to replicate the sense of someone moving their head from right to left - or vise versa.

Over the Shoulder

Off the shoulder shots are used in a similar way to Point of View shots. However, these shots capture the corner of the subjects to show the positioning of them and their viewing. This gives us as an audience more of an insight to what is being seen if you was the character

High Angle

High Angles are taken from above, this then makes the photo/ video taker seem more powerful. The characters and point of focus are typically engulfed with the surroundings making them appear insignificant and weak, most specifically vulnerable.

Low Angle

A low angle emphasises someone's power, they are used to make a character seem taller. This therefore makes them appear more strong and powerful as it is as if they are looking down upon everyone.

Friday 14 September 2018

The Media and Me

The media plays a huge impact on my daily life, through everyday actions without even realising its impact.

Music Videos

Music videos were initially set up for promotional purposes, music videos promote the artist and their individual image yet also promotes their music and style. In my opinion I believe music videos have become less and less viewed as time has gone by. Multiple streaming sites such as Spotify and Apple Music ( which are the main ones) have taken over the need for music videos as using these apps you can easily listen to the music and there is no need nor purpose of the additional videos.
These video can additionally be used for the use of political views to help persuade and influence other choices by making one option seem more appealing then the competition.
Additionally, music videos can be made in order to raise awareness of certain subjects which can be difficult. One of which is "Frozen" by Joyner Lucas, this music video helps promote safe driving, boosting peoples awareness whilst at the wheel. They achieved this by using very emotional car accident scenes including multiple people in agony due to scenarios such as; drink driving, speeding and texting and driving and the devastating, painful potential outcomes. 

Joyner Lucas focuses his music videos enlighten issues but present the outcomes of people making the wrong choices; yet shows this from multiple perspectives. Another heartfelt video of his was to "I'm Sorry" this is a hard-hitting video focusing on suicide; from the perspective of whom committed suicide and also the loved ones who are left behind. At the end of this campaign video he lays the hard truth that 'one person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes' - that's 88 suicides in 24hrs, highlighting the attention needed to be brought on these difficult times.

There is a website called VEVO which is specifically designed for artists to publish their videos for VEVO's official website with hundreds of thousands of artists videos, although the official website is rarely used as people tend to watch music videos on YouTube, including myself.


Personally, I don't have a strong connection with this style of media. Newspapers are not as frequently used anymore and over the years have been rapidly being less heard of and read, some newspapers companies have even got to the extents of removing their style of print media and converting to a more modern style of solely using the internet to broadcast their news... such as 'the Independent'    
to read the independent's own article all about the moving to a digital future.
Within my family the newspaper isn't a prominent aspect in our lives. I don't class the newspapers as very important to me at all in my daily life as I am aware I can get the news I need online. If there is a certain heading which interests me I will pick it up and read it briefly if the newspaper is lying at home, otherwise it is very rare I will ever turn the page. 
Such apps and TV Programmes such as Sky News and BBC News broadcast their stories within minutes of an event happening meaning as a society we can get the news in the moment and all the information we want as soon as possible. Nowadays we don't have to wait as the clock counts down, waiting for the next day newspaper to come out to find out about the recent event. 
Newspapers frequently respond on huge political events, one of major ones in current years awas Brexit, many, many, many,  newspaper published their political views trying to push their audience to follow what them as a brand wanted the outcome to present. Here is an example of  'the Suns' headlines during the votes.

The newspapers purposely draw your attention to the 'Leave' to try convince their readers to vote in that certain way. This clearly would heavily influence many to vote this way, as they would assume it is the right thing to do... especially if they are already confused as to what to vote for. However, from my own perspective I don't feel heavily influenced buy this style of media currently at this stage of my life. 

Video Games

From Rollercoaster Tycoon, revolving around creating your own amusement park in a huge virtual world... all the way to GTA. GTA is a viral game which I believe personally promotes the wrong message it is known for being a theft game presenting illegal action yet also abuse. Majority of  video games have age restrictions to play due to content, this is as they can normalise certain thing.
Video games can lead to very unhealthy lifestyles though, these games are designed to be addictive so more and more people play, more and more often. This can damage things such as social lives and also personal appearance. 
The relationship between myself and video games used to be more frequent, this is as when I was younger there were many easily identifiable games I used to play, such as; Cooking Mamma, Wii Sports, Just Dance and Sonic & Mario Kart games. I never tend to play console games anymore, I will only play them with family, such as family games of FIFA.


Magazines are something I enjoy reading and seeing. Admittedly last year I hadn't read as many but previously I enjoy reading fashion magazines and still do, previously I subscribed to ELLE magazines as it was something I enjoyed reading however, due to the ever extending technology I get any fashion inspiration and news now online and on their websites. However, I do still personally much prefer the paper versions as it feels more intriguing, genuine and more special to read. 

I do feel magazines have a huge influence on society as they create stereotypes, for example I feel the idea of beauty, what we see today, and the definition of this has solely been created by the media. As a young generation we see magazines which are faced with perfect models... with perfect everything and then we set our minds on aspiring to be like them. Questioning why we aren't. Questioning how we can be. 
Magazines have significantly influenced social media in general, making people only post the perfect side of their life, the first fashion magazine was published In 1867 November meaning the idea and concept have been being pressure on us all from an early stage. Even me, have to admit when you see such a sleek, perfect and idolised image you do naturally question. How. How and why you don't look like that. it can be both a positive and negative impact, sometimes the magazines can comfort you and make you feel better about yourself yet on the other hand, they can make you feel insecure within yourself

The Internet

Countries such as North Korea don't experience the whirlwind we know as the internet, they have strict restriction on the web.
The internet most defiantly has to be my most frequently used media out of them all! The internet comes in many different styles, however my most used has to be Social Media, this consisting of apps such as; Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and thousands more. The aim of websites/apps like these simply show the perfect side of life, only posting the ideal perfect side of life and ourselves. Rarely hiding our own insecurities.
My generation knows no life without internet. The internet was invented in the late 1960's, being from the 2000's it sounds bizarre, the world without internet access. Things we take for granted weren't even available, you couldn't simply type into google your questions nor text someone over snapchat. It sounds ironic... a phone, which is rarely used to phone, calls are 'something of the past'. Below are the stats of the decline in using for calls ( taken from 'the telegraph' report).

Whenever I have a query I simply google it, I use the internet a lot for research, though never think anything of it as its simply second nature. Likewise, entertainment is a huge aspect of the internet. Netflix, NOWTV, Amazon Prime Video, holding hundreds of films that you can watch whenever you feel like it and whatever one you want. Additionally catch up programmes like ITV, BBC iPlayer, Channel 4. From my own perspective it is very rare I ever watch tv at its scheduled timings; I simply type it into the catch-up apps and watch then. Entertainment has turned significantly digital typically when bored most people turn to the internet, scrolling further ad further down your Instagram feed then changing to Snapchat then back to Instagram. It is a cycle that many turn to when bored in the hope something new and interesting appears - online.
Online shopping is something I use the internet for, very, very often. Many shops such as 'prettylittlething' simply just work online without physical stores which shows how significant the online shopping industry is. 
Overall, I feel the internet has a heavy influence on us which all contribute to the wider effect on society. Both in a positive way yet I think it does more bad than good, the way it is currently, though I believe I will still continue to forever use it due to the addiction.


I frequently associate the radio as quick news, personally I feel it is a place that I would turn to as a last resort for news. I enjoy having the radio on in the car, however, it isn’t a thing I think too much about. I more regularly listen to the radio and just pay attention to the music, constantly switching through stations until I find a song I like playing. The radio is a quicker option as it is instant, rather than finding personal songs on streaming sites. 
The radio was constantly playing at work (Heart) , I feel the radio can be motivating and therefore act in a positive way. However, similarly to all media’s can be forced in a negative aspect. Radio can be similarly to newspapers in the aspect of pushing their own views on their viewers and audience. 
A clear time I have related to the radio was throughout exam period, this was because it was an easy alternate for music as it chooses the songs and plays them for you, therefore meaning I don’t have to worry about getting distracted picking and choosing a song. Additionally, they frequently talked about GCSE’s which obviously affected me at that time and so updated me on news regarding it. 


Advertising is a very strategical thing, the way we are targeted as an audience and influenced is very calculated. Many adverts stick in your head as they are memorable… deliberately, such as;
1. Ellie Goulding - Pantene - boxing ring, to show strong hair
2. Mo Farah - Quorn - to represent an athlete, eating healthy
3. Georgia Toff - Dermalogica - due to Georgia Toff's previous experience with her skin, shows how the brand cleared it up

Additionally, after 9pm, they stop all adverts that relate to young children; this Is because it is a waste of advertising time as they know majority of young kids will be in bed this time meaning the adverts will not preform their main role in persuading people to buy products. Therefore adverts for kids toy shops etc will no longer being aired. Secondly, they always make TV adverts relevant to the shows in use, for example they use a thing called placement meaning they use what you previously search and show adverts that relate similarly to your previous history; this then increases the likelihood of you making a purchase.
Adverts typically can revolve around class, even though there isn't as such a divide in society as there has previously been, adverts are still presented this way. For example, Rolls-Royce and Bentleys don't tend to advertise, they create adverts for their new cars, although, they don't air on TV as said on ( ) they 
' focus on much more targeted media specifically addressed to high net worth individuals' 
implying these brands work closely to specific audiences and targeting fewer but more direct than targeting a wider audience, as clearly more people cant afford a Rolls-Royce etc over the percentage who can.
Companies spend a lot of time perfecting their adverts to convince their audience their products are the best of the best. One brands advert who always sticks in my head & makes me want to buy their products is most defiantly Apple. Their adverts are always very modern and eye-catching. However, my favourite adverts above all are Christmas one - more specifically the annual famous John Lewis ones.

Film & Television

Films are something I watch regularly, my style of film varies; however my favourite category is action. With action films there is always a worry on the influence it may have on society, such as in some films it seems to be constant aggression and fighting. A clear example of this are the series of James Bond films, the repetitive images and scenes of guns can heavily influence people especially younger views, in some cases normalise such brutal aggression.
On the other hand, equally there ae many heart-felt, uplifting, inspiring films which influence society in the complete opposite direction. One film I really liked was ' soul surfer '  it was an inspiring film about a teenage surfer, who was attacked by a shark, but shows how she perseveres and doesn't let that stop her from doing what she loves... becoming a world champion.

Television is similar to this, the amount of negative influencing shows which are aired can have a similar impact. BBC's Bodyguard is a series which follows a storyline all about terror attacks in the UK. This is an upsetting topic, although the series shows realistic issues us as a country face as it is directed within London. It allows us to see a side we rarely see of politics and protection, therefore can be slightly linked to educational television.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Learning New Skills

I can type in my blog.

I can add an image to my blog.

I can add a video from YouTube by embedding it in my blog.

I can add a hyperlink from my blog.

CLICK HERE to take you directly to BBC's Media Centre home page.

Media Studies Induction Task

The media is a short phrase that describes a lot. The media comes in forms such as TV, from Jeremy Kyle to Geordie Shore and all the way to a football match, though these are completely different styles they are all still media. Magazines to newspaper and the most commonly associated with the term media… social media. Consisting of things such as Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. Solely WhatsApp has 600 million users on their last count, emphasizing the significance of the many varieties of media. Others. Less popular are shown as in April 2015 it was reported the sales of newspapers fell vastly by half a million in just one year.
The media are fast to respond to any news or significant event within a heartbreak, this can be shown from the recent world cup numerous times. One of which, BBC Sports reported ‘the media branded Spain “stupid” and “negligent’ this quickly represents the impact the media have as even a websites themselves have the control to speak out about it- acknowledging it. Due to a few reports an entire country is labelled with 2 specific words. Also at recent events the whole of the media blew up at the relevance of Love Island once again at the relationship based ‘game show’ of which the aim is to couple up and hopefully leave the villa together and continue their journey on the outside. This show is functioned and ran by the media. As they enter, majority obtained a regular 9-5 job and have typically never been in the press or media before. After exiting, many have or near enough millions of followers on Instagram alone- for many it was only a few hundred before entering… if that. Mainly all make a living out of the journey now by creating a career of the media attention, by working alongside brands, advertisements and sponsorships as their main source of income.
Many underestimate the impact the impact the media has upon the globe let alone one specific generation. However, from facts and personal experience we can see the media attacks the youth more harshly. The media can be endearing, complex but undoubtfully interesting. The media can be seen as such a major positive, which it is, especially to the youth. It allows many to express opinions which they haven’t had the option to spread before. Media allows people to interact with new people and breaks the ice before face to face communication, it acts as an initial guard which many people like. Although, one major issue is the outburst of the stereotypical idea of perfection and a huge issue of the media defining the word ‘beautiful’. Due to numerous Medias young people have been to initially see a checklist to be considered and consider themselves as beautiful! People are made to desired an undesirable life; made to feel worthless if they don’t compare this. Desiring impossible images. 
The media can help with socializing and communicating as spoken about above. However, too much use makes people rely heavily on it and allows it to control their lives. On a day to day basis feeling controlled by all different types of the media. A lot of media is unfiltered and so can spread many views; too much media meaning too many views… this could lead to extremist views as it manipulates the mind. 
Media was still very relevant in the past, it may not be the same types but it was still strong. Many people these days wait around for emails and texts, whereas going back years ago many communicated with letters and more verbal communication. Roughly in ‘1995/96 70 million letters were posted daily in the UK’ showing the once strong use also in 2010 Royal Mail posted the average daily postbag fell to 68 million down from 84 million in 2005. This reflects the decrease of types as years go by. Signs on billboards used to be handwritten and now most advertising is posted online. Media will forever change and expand, in my personal opinion I feel there is no predicting the future of it as new technology is always developing everyday… therefore showing there is no way to predict.