Wednesday 9 January 2019

Roland Barthes: Semiotics

Roland Bathes was a well know French literacy theorist who died at the age of 64, he came up with many meanings and concepts we follow, such as the development of semiotics and anthropology. Semiotics is the concept of cultural signs and symbols containing meanings. Bather explored the differences with styles of texts such as readerly of which said have a constructed, intended meaning unlike writerly. Roland Bathes acknowledged something he called the 5 codes, 5 elements of semiotic which are within most texts. These are; Hermeneutic Code (voice of truth), Proairetec Code (empirical voice), Sematic Code (voice of the person), Symbolic Code (voice of symbols) and Cultural Code (voice of science).

An example of theeHermeneutic Code is in Naughty boy - Runnin’ music video, this is as the video initially begins with simply an underwater shot with fishes swimming and bubbles moving. The artist isn’t present in the scene and so links to this code as the story isn’t explained and so the audience raises questions which need to be explained. The Proairetec Code can also be answered through this, as the video continues there are people alone running under-water who eventually meet together which refers to the lyrics "chasing you”.

Overall, he describes a text as “galaxy of signifiers, not a structure of signifieds” leading onto saying “we gain access to it by several entrances” hinting at the idea that texts have multiple meanings behind them; as he says texts are either ‘closed’ or ‘open’. The definition of signified is critical to Barthes ideas, the idea behind this what an image or concept may stand for; real thing, stricter reading or a sense impression. Whereas, a signifier is the image used to stand for something else. Additionally, denotation comes up regularly within his work showing the explicit and direct meanings directing the reader to signify something specific and connation is a meaning hidden behind symbols and signs, it has a secondary meaning apart from the typical explicit one.

The concept of Semitics is the study into the meanings created and how they can be communicated, actions and thoughts we automatically link dependant on our ability to interpret them instantly. An example of this is upon food items, typically we associate red with a signal for stop or danger and in this case, it is saying the item is very high in sugars and opposing this we associate green in this context with healthy and good for you.

Monday 7 January 2019

'Ya Mama' Fat Boy Slim

Representations of artist are constructed in this music video? The use of camera, editing, mise-en-scene help to construct this

Fatboy Slim was a world famous, popular artist within the era of the 1990's. His real name is actually Norman Cook and is, a English DJ, musician and also record producer. Fatboy Slim was a name created to oppose major contradiction in the world - this thought is presented through his videos. However, Normal Cook says he is a 'club DJ. I am not a pop star" this ay suggest his laid back attitude already. From watching documentaries and his own music videos I can tell he has a very open dialogue with his directors and cast. Fatboy Slim personal hates music videos and everything they stand for and so he simply has immense trust with the directors and has little to none influence over them. No storyboard to show, no grand budget (his "praise you" video budgeted under £30,000 when regular videos average a budget of around £160,000 to £400,000.

"Ya Mama" video repeats the lyrics "push the tempo" over and over again this reflects the whole style of this song - up beat. This links to Fatboy Slim as he appears as a very energetic musician, and may possibly link to his DJ previous life. Additionally, this sense of craze is connotated at as the actors revert into uncontrollable dance at the amaze of the tape. The music video was filmed upon a village what was built for the purpose and later destroyed, this was very unusual as it was an empty area and so people wouldn't have expected a production music video being based there. The structure to this video is known as a narrative, the entire video flows naturally, in an understanding order. The video follows one of Roland Barthes 5 narrative codes; the Hermeneutic code, this code refers to mystery and confusion for the audience and the beginning of "Ya Mama" clearly identifies this as the main character sits alone painting pottery. This confusing was intentionally created by Fatboy Slim and his marketing video team, this is as he always aspires to videos of which ' reject what society sees as normal'.

Fatboy Slim created a documentary titled "Why Make Videos", this 20 minute video Normal Cook explains his views behind the concept of music videos. Cook was someone who didn't rely on storyboards and in depth detailed planning to his videos. The only thing Fatboy Slim makes prominent is all his videos follow the same concept of amusing, puzzling and peculiar music videos. Frequently, intertextuality is referred to in his videos, he references a lot to other films but these would only be picked up if you are personally aware of it! Fatboy Slim came into conforming to music videos only to gain purchases of his songs, he needed physical sales due to no streaming available like we have today; medias such as YouTube, Spotify and Vevo and many more. MTV top of the pops and many similar TV streaming sites were where all artists aspired to be shown on, he created many of his videos to simply be relevant enough to be shown - promoting himself.